Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Furaffinity, The Soviet Union of Art

"In addition to frequent downtime, FurAffinity also heavily restricts free speech, and frequently allows rules to be bent by popular artists, but not by lesser-known artists and regular members."




There is no easy way to say this, so here it goes.


Furaffinity is the worst art site on the internet. In the years I have been on it, I have slowly watched it go from a website of flourishing expression to a digital version of the USSR. The owner has made so many controversial revisions to the community guidelines, each one putting more and more dampers on free speech and freedom of expression. I myself have been a victim of these "rules" behind the artistic iron curtain. You cannot express your opinion about ANYONE on it's website, or else the secret police will penalize you for violating the infamous Rule 2.3, "Do not stalk, harass or threaten anyone on the platform."


Since when has it been a crime to state your honest opinion about someone? It is according to The Glorious Leader of the Artistic Motherland. Hell, I have even been served an immediate level 4 offense (final warning) for commenting a bunch of opinions over time. The bastards wadded them all at one time and penalized me for it. And I've had rules added on me because I had found loopholes in them, such as the "Art with no artistic merit" rule.


In addition to this, Furaffinity is one of the sites that will not give AI art a single chance, which is why I am predicting that Inkbunny, a site that does allow AI art, will in time overtake Furaffinity as the #1 furry art site. Furaffinity has been crumbling for years anyway. And novel concepts like AI will in time be accepted, just as Autotune, violent video games, mp3s, VHS tapes, records, etc were accepted years before. Progress can never be stopped. 

All in all, my prediction that if Furaffinity does not change it's ways and start becoming more lenient on the Constitutional Rights of Americans, the very foundation upon which it built itself upon will give way and it'll fall back into the dusty earth from where it started.




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