Sunday, February 10, 2019

S&Box: A sequel to Garry's mod

A few years back, I got word that Garry Newman, the founder of Facepunch Studios, was working on a sequel to Garry's Mod. As time went on, I waited patiently for any news on this new project. It wasn't until 2018 that I discovered the name of the sequel.


"Our intention with Sandbox is to take a powerful game engine (UE4 right now) and build a hotloading C# layer on top of it. The idea being that you will never have to touch C++, you never have to wait for things to compile, you never have to close the game while developing.
We're hoping that what we're making is engine agnostic. Our goal was to build this on top of Source 2, but that seems unlikely now - as it's doubtful that would have any actual benefit over what we're currently doing."

~From the main site,

I didn't know much about it until I began watching videos detailing it by Crayz. When viewing them, my eyes shot open at one particular video. It was information on the importer for the game, which sent me into a state of excitement I haven't felt in years.

Their game importer will allow you to import files from any game of your choosing, which is a huge cut above Garry's Mod. The reason is that Garry's Mod ran on the Source Engine, which require you to convert any and all assets into proprietary formats that it could read, which made the learning curve too steep for modders. With S&box the list is infinitely expanded. Here are some of the potential formats:


Here are some of the importers currently added:

-GTA San Andreas

For a preview of S&box's importing capabilites, I have provided the following videos:

For me, I can only imagine what kind of content I'll finally get to play around with. Here are some of the following I hope for:

-Gauntlet Dark Legacy
-Ratchet & Clank
-Dead Rising
-Elder Scrolls
-Tony Hawk's
-Theme Park Roller Coaster
-Red Dead
-The Suffering
-Army Men
-Star Wars

S&box also has an official development server on Discord, but be careful. It has no rules section and will ban without warning.

I really look forward to this game. Do you?