Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Helluva Boss - The Other 4 Circles

The 7 circles of hell are quite a sight to see. However, what most of the lesser demon population do not know about the other 4 circles. These circles are much worse than their 7 deadly counterparts, and only kings and queens are allowed passage, but not princes, princesses, nor lesser demons.


Known as the gateway to the other circles, Limbo is home to those who have never sinned, but did not come to know God. Their punishment is denial of paradise, however, knowing the apathetic nature of most demons, they would disregard this and cause great harm to those who are undeserving of it.
Limbo is ruled by the evil King Minos, the judge of the dead.


Heresy holds the damned souls who have adhered to religious opinions and doctrines contrary to church dogma. They are trapped inside sarcophagi, seared by flames every waking moment of their lives. Because of the persuasive power it holds, lesser demons might rebel against their overlords from prolonged exposure to Heresy's influence. Therefore, Heresy is strictly forbidden to them.
Heresy is ruled by Baphomet, the demon of apostasy.


Inside Fraud dwell the soul who spoke with the tongue of a serpent, weaving lies and sowing much discord, flattering and falsifying, deceiving, grafting and much more. Here they are trapped inside the ten levels of the malevolent prison known as the Malebolge. The sinners here are very cunning and have either lead many of the lesser demons to their death or weaved falsehoods about the ruling lords & ladies. So the kings and queens sealed off Fraud, that no word from their cursed lips should reach the ears of the population.
Fraud is ruled by Belial, the master of lies.


At the very bottom of the Inferno blows the cold winds of Treachery, the lowest, the blackest, and the furthest from heaven. Herein lies the traitors, who have turned against people they loved or swore an allegiance to. They are trapped in varying levels of ice and forced to live out eternity in the frozen abyss. The souls here are much too dangerous to be around anyone. In fear that they might trick the population into conspiring against them, Treachery was sealed off and made the most forbidden of the other 4 circles. No one, not even the kings and queens themselves are ever allowed to enter. Disobedience to this command either results in certain death or being trapped inside the circle forever, as they can no longer be trusted.
Treachery is ruled by Hades, the ruler of the underworld.

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