Thursday, June 8, 2023

Creation Engine - Game Mod Integrator

I often ponder the afterlife and all the s^^t I want to get done the moment I arrive in Heaven. One priority is to activate my technological masterpiece, The Creation Engine. One of the things it can do is creating game mods, and it has a 100% flawless way of doing it. It's first directive is to take all mods ever created in history for a game and structure them to be 100% compatible with the games files, as if it were something the developers added to begin with, creating an infinite supply of user-generated DLC. It's second directive is to create mods using the infinite amount of knowledge it has.  If X exists, there is a Y mod for it. For example, since Star Fox Adventures exists, there is a Krystal Companion mod for the game Fallout 4, fully voiced by her original VA. The mod ecosystem is also dynamic. Every mod added expands the content of the other mods to adapt to all the additions. For instance, Krystal would get dialogue for Road Rovers companion mods. As for things like location additions and player homes, it determines where each should be put so immersive gameplay is perfect. Also, it adds a device to some plots where player home mods are in the same place to allow players to switch homes/structures at will, creating a lot with infinite buildings. It's infinitely expanding and makes each game truly personalized. All mods start disabled until the player enables them.

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