Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Normie Trolls

paypal.me/NoahJB123 These people are common and jump on every trend bandwagon that rolls through town. They see people who don't follow the norm as lowlifes with no talent. But to be honest, they don't have any talent themselves. The weird, the unusual and the outcasts are the ones who make the greatest stuff I've ever seen. I, for example, compare myself to Andy Warhol, a very odd media creator from the 50s-60s. These people, these normies however: If you aren't keeping up with the trends, you suck balls. That's them, not me. As if they have nothing better to do than sit there and scowl. Begone, pleb. -------------- Support BTC: 1JLP2MDgM7TT7K2NfdteJ79bpiFoeazW34 LTC: LRCwBwbnZwNPQBrb8i9eAnabmVRM2pfnog DOGE: D7A1fRFHpKqFCdKAVyxW73m6tqzVrT7gaN DASH: XvHv9bR7fimYRfrNwo3h6H6wGnkZYq8ufr ETH: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 XRP: rDgDuTLEtNXKhGHPZPwYN9LjZcJXCbyCEz XLM: GDEZDZYWGBCIXWEMEZBTUE4B5H6N4WBYKVY6GQBKCFIL5HOUUNUOI6S3 MEMO: 650031047 BCH: bitcoincash:qpuywm48d9e3u98cgtyhmzrnwtnkpnc4p5dc0wkg6u BTG: AJcWz4jBCdCgtudTyRA43gXPw7pweJhuqo ZEC: t3T9Dm9ZTUdzNjJVfJQWnBGDgbJoDrzc4KY GUSD: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 BAT: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 USDT: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 TUSD: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 TGBP: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 TAUD: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 THKD: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 TCAD: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 BUSD: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 DAI: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 CEL: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 LBC: bZ82217mTcDtXZm7SF7QsnSVWG9L87vo23 ZRX: 0x45FC0Bb9Ca1a2DA39b127745924B961E831de2b1 Paypal: paypal.me/NoahJB123 LiberaPay: liberapay.com/TrollHuntingChri… Patreon: www.patreon.com/TrollHuntingCh… Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/noahthetrollhuntingc… Posted using PostyBirb

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